Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Magazine Advert 2

This is my second idea for my magazine advert ancillary task. I believe that it is still effective, although is not as effective as my initial poster, as it does not contain as many eye catching colours. However, with this said, I do believe that this poster fits the theme of the video well, as it is dark and monochrome with an emphasis on shadows with very little colour. In addition to this, it has a level of correspondence to the album cover, as the forest on the front matches the dark theme, along with the font being similar. The only use of colour is for the text which reads "debut album out now", as in terms of marketing, this is the most important part. It is important as the music video and its ancillary products will be used in the real world in order to market an album. Finally, I have included links to websites, as these will help any potential fans to hear music by the artist quickly, and will then be able to purchase this music.

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