Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Trials of the Past: Rough Cut 1

This is our first rough cut of our music video. As our first attempt there are some things which need rectifying however I am pleased with how much footage we have managed to include and our use of lip sync footage. There are some things which need to be addressed which have been notified to us buy our feedback representatives.


The video needs to be longer as it suddenly cuts off during the song.

Some of the lip syncing is slightly out of time, making it unbelievable that the character is the artist.

The black gaps in between clips need to be filled in.

It would be easier to understand if there was a clearer narrative - is there a defined ending or is the video just going to end ambiguously?

There is a shot early in the video where a car can be seen passing in the background - this makes it seem unrealistic as why else would he spend the rest of the video trying to make it out of the woods.

There needs to be greater continuity in the colouring of clips, as the actors skin appears to be darker in some shots than others.

We are going to take on this feedback and amend the things which have been suggested.

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